getting a deal in Morocco is a total new experience ...

The big smile from just seconds
ago on the merchants face is gone and he shakes his head. He looks over
to his pop-up 'shop assistant'. A younger man that I guess just
happened to pass to drink the afternoon mint tea and play some games to
pass time.
The merchant turns back to me. And asks again as if he's sure he did not get it the first time “What did you say?”
say, trying to look as convincing as possible. It is a orange with
white Hammam exfoliating glove I want. A simple everyday item, the same
as in the shop next door, and the one next to that one, and the one
opposite. At least, I (ME) don't see any difference at all...
I start to feel a little uncomfortable.
Then give me 10 Dirham for it,” the merchant says. He is wearing a pair
of bright yellow(my favorite), point-toed babouches—the traditional
Moroccan men’s slippers.
10 Dirham? But that is double of what I
want to give! He looks over at me. He shrugs. I shrug. He shakes his
head and says very mysteriously: "ye but is half of what I would ask
anyone else!"
Without another word he marches past me and out
of the little shop, leaving me to let this sink a little deeper. I see
him standing and talking with another potential 'victim' And I decide of
leaving before he returns. But that's wishful thinking. After 2 steps
he walks beside me again.
"you know, this is a special price
for you, any other tourist I would ask 20 Dirham, that is the normal
tourist price. You can go and ask! Especially for this quality."
"But I live here, so you can do a little extra, no?" I try.
"Why can't we agree somewhere half way, half way between 5 and 10 Dirham that is."
His right hand goes to his heart and his face looks as if he is in a lot of pain. He shifts from one foot to the other.
“They are nice and the best quality, madame.”
I pretend I really have to go and look at the neighbor.
He calls me back again and I 'm getting tired. "Is it really worth discussing over 2 or 3 Dirham" I wonder....
"Listen, you are my first customer today and I want to get the deal, so give me 9."
thought from just a second ago is gone! What is he thinking? If I want
to give 5 with a maximum of 7 then why does he call me back and tells me
to pay him 9????
I tell him no and walk out. The next moment I buy it for 7,5 dirham.
The seller looks as if I ruined him.
I feel the same.
But after living here for more then a year...I look at it in a different way.
When going into the Medina, buying a house, renting a place, getting anything....remember these tips:
1) realize it is the game of negotiating.
2) get in a joke once in a while and the game gets fun
3) you never ruin a genuine Moroccan merchant because they never sell below what THEY want!
never go and ask in another shop after you closed a deal. - this might
ruin you good mood for a while depending on the sum you just spent.
5) take the time! Moroccans master time, we Europeans don't we want to buy and go. they want to play a game.
So, enjoy and observe! They master the skill! |
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